Our products are imagined, designed and manufactured in France

Design and modeling

The wide range of electrical measurements allows engineers to offer a modelling service to provide accurate electrical models for each measured component required for the design phase of monolithic or hybrid circuits.


The use of models provided by foundries or extracted from measurements made by MC2 Technologies leads to the design of MMICs or hybrid circuits. 2.5D, 3D, electrical and EM simulation engines are used for the design of circuits.


You have needs for the design of an RF circuit or for an electrical modeling? Do not hesitate to let us know by contacting us.

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Component characterisation is a service that aims at verifying the electrical characteristics of microwave components and circuits, upstream or downstream of their design. It consists of carrying out specific electrical measurements at very high frequency. The company’s core business, the service activity offers foundries a range of noise, power and linearity measurements at microwave frequencies up to 220 GHz.


You need to carry out a measurement campaign for one or more components? Do not hesitate to let us know by contacting us.

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Sij parameters up to 220 GHz

CW and Pulsed

MC2 Technologies provides a service of Sij parameters measurements in static or pulsed conditions. These measurements are performed with its own pulsed IV systems and the latest generation of vector network analyzers. The knowledge of the Sij parameters allows to obtain a linear and non linear modeling.

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Measure Load Pull 1 tone and 2 tone

CW and Pulsed

MC2 Technologies provides intermodulation measurements to analyze the linear behavior of two-port devices. The linearity bench has a high dynamic range to measure components under small or large signal without modifying the architecture of the installation. The study can be done by varying the load impedance at the output of the device for a constant input or output power. Memory effects can be studied by changing the cutoff frequency of the bias tees used and/or the impedance presented by the DC power supplies.

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4 Noise parameters

MC2 Technologies characterizes the four noise parameters up to 50 GHz to find Gamma Opt from source pull contours.

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Noise under 50 Ohm

up to 105 GHz

MC2 Technologies has developed innovative configurations to measure the noise figure of two-port devices up to 110 GHz. The approach is based on the cold method and uses a full vector correction to obtain accurate results up to 110 GHz on very mismatched devices (MOS, HEMT, HBT…).

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Parameters IV


Static and pulsed IV measurements provided by MC2 Technologies are perfectly adapted to characterize FET, bipolar transistors or diodes used for linear or non-linear applications (LNA, PA, DC/DC converters…). IV measurements under pulsed conditions are well suited for thermal and trapping effects analysis as well as for electrical modeling.

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MC2 Technologies provides a unique set of automated on-wafer test solutions for characterizing and sorting circuits according to your product specifications. A semi-automatic probe station is used to obtain a complete characterization of the circuits from 0.5 to 220GHz. Several measurements can be performed on the wafer (S-parameters, noise, sensitivity, 1 and 2 tone power in DC or pulsed condition).

Take advantage of our expertise for your power and noise measurements with a detailed analysis of the results by our expert teams. All our devices are calibrated with golden devices to ensure the reliability of the results and avoid any false data.


Custom product development

MC2 Technologies is specialised in the development of microwave components and devices.


Thanks to its teams of engineers and doctors in electronic design (microwave, low frequency and digital), in mechanics, or in computer science, the company masters the whole value chain of its products from the design of MMIC components in III-V technologies (GaAs, GaN, InP) or Silicon technologies to the design and manufacture of complex systems (power amplifiers from 0 to 110GHz / from a few watts to several kilowatts, low noise amplifiers from 0 to 220GHz, THz radiometers, millimetre interferometers, very high speed THz transmit-receive modules, intelligent jamming devices against RCIEDs or UAVs, THz MIMO radar, THz imaging systems, phased array antennas).


MC2 Technologies offers a tailor-made product development service in close collaboration with the customer. Thanks to its production department and its network of local partners, MC2 Technologies can ensure 100% of the production on site and in France.


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Discover some of our developed custom solutions


Millimetre band interferometer from 92 to 96 GHz with self-calibration.

Amplificateur en rack

Amplificateur en rack avec une bande passante de 4-8 GHz pour une puissance typique de 200 W

You are interested in in one or more of our services and would like more information?
