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our priority with the anti-drone warfare
UAVs threats are omnipresent, they are invading our skies. Not a single day goes by without sensitive private (Seveso-type), state and military infrastructures being illegally overflown. Inexpensive, easily accessible and controllable, UAVs, although a source of opportunities in many fields (agriculture, rescue, etc.), represent a multifaceted threat (espionage, smuggling, explosive charges, etc.) which is growing exponentially. MC2 Technologies addresses this threat with its range of detection and neutralisation systems.
Read moreour priority with the anti-RCIED warfare
Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs) are proliferating in theatres of operation and are a real danger to civilian and military populations. The threat against deployed forces has never been greater and the demands for effective and robust protection against these RF threats have never been so important.
Read moreour priority with the detection of hidden objects
In a world where the threat of terrorism is omnipresent, traditional security systems are reaching their limits and are no longer adapted to the ever increasing flows. Sensitive infrastructures, major events and public places such as railway stations, airports, stadiums and other places with high reception capacities are the most vulnerable to this threat.
Read moreMC2 Technologies is specialised in micro and nanotechnologies, mainly applied to the fields of defence, security and telecommunications. Thanks to its expertise in the microwave field and its years of experience in the development, characterisation and assembly of RF components, the company has developed solutions for anti-drone, anti-RCIEDs and detection of hidden objects on people.
Designed and developed in France
MC2 Technologies develops and designs its solutions in its premises located in the North of France. By ensuring the sustainability and control of the value chain of its products, the company creates direct and indirect jobs for different levels of qualification and training.
Our domain, our excellence
The company specialises in the characterisation, modelling and design of microwave components and devices for civil and military applications. This is the initial activity of the company, which has enabled it to acquire a very strong expertise in the very broad field of microwaves.
Important material and human resources
Several million euros worth of high-tech equipment have been invested, enabling the company to be autonomous in terms of electrical measuring equipment up to 220GHz, micro-mechanical machining and the assembly of microwave components. This organisation allows engineers to control each stage of product design.
Customer satisfaction is our priority. Every day, our teams support demanding customers by offering them sustainable solutions and follow-up throughout the product life cycle.
Learn moreLAAD Brazil is the most important defence and security exhibition in Latin America. The event brings together all military and security forces and welcomes qualified visitors, high ranking authorities and numerous delegations.
Unique in Europe, this bi-annual event is the meeting point of the high-tech industry with the Special Forces and Special Units. During 3 days, small and medium-sized companies and large industrial groups will meet under the aegis of the Cercle de l'Arbalète in order to offer unique solutions adapted to the needs of special operations.
Organised by the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company, IDEX is the world's leading defence exhibition. It benefits from a growing number of international decision makers from the defence industry, governments, armed forces and military personnel.
Hosted by the Ministry of Defence, Indo Defence Expo & Forum is a biennial tri-service defence technology and sales exhibition as well as promotional event for international defense and security equipment manufacturers, which has been held since 2004 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Euronaval is an exhibition dedicated to the naval defence industry, founded in 1968 and held in France every two years at Le Bourget. It is the largest exhibition in the world in this sector.
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